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How to get coaching clients on Facebook? with 7 proven strategies

How to get coaching clients on Facebook

How to get coaching clients on Facebook? One of the curious questions I have.  In the times where Instagram, YouTube Shorts and other short video platforms are growing rapidly. 

Does Facebook hold any relevance and can I get coaching clients from Facebook? Answer is Yes! There are plenty of opportunities still available for coaches.

How to get coaching clients on Facebook?

Facebook is one of the oldest social media platforms which have evolved over a time, and so its millions of members.

How to get coaching clients on Facebook? Short answer to this question is that you require strategy. 

Strategy to connect, build strong online persona, engage with connection and promote coaching services with style.

Here is the strategy for how to get coaching clients on Facebook?

  1. Create an Optimized Facebook profile.
  2. Identify your target audience
  3. Identify Facebook Groups to join
  4. Create your Facebook Business Page.
  5. Connect strategically and engage more
  6. Maintain posting consistency
  7. Utilize Facebook Groups

Now let’s see how to get coaching clients on Facebook Strategy in detail. 

Create an Optimized Facebook Profile

Be it NLP coaching or life coaching, clients want to relate with a person rather than a business.

Optimizing your Facebook profile is the first step for how to get coaching clients on Facebook overall strategy.

When clients come across any content of yours they may first visit your Facebook page but they also visit your personal profile. 

Make sure you have updated with your nice profile picture, and all other sections are completed.

Make sure you update your location in your Facebook profile, as I have seen clients want coaches from their locality.

Take a good look on your Facebook wall, what type of content, life event or images you have posted, It may sound strange but clients idealize their coaches. 

If you come across any content that goes opposite to what you preach as life coach or NLP coach, make sure to remove it. 

Be genuine, coaching is all about trust you garner from the clients, if your profile is something that client may get distracted or different than what you offer, you have high chances of losing.

Identify your target audience

You may probably already have chosen your coaching niche, now it is time to find out who will be your ideal client.

Where your ideal client will be on Facebook and what he is looking for on social media.

Facebook has over 2 billion active users at any given month, so to get coaching clients on Facebook you have to have a strategy to find your target audience. 

Here are some of the questions to consider to identify your target audience. 

Who is your target audience?

You should identify who will be your target audience, male or female, their education, demography, age group, work experience and what is their lifestyle.

What are the challenges they are facing?

Find out what challenges your target audience is facing. It can be personal, professional, financial, emotional or physical. 

What are they doing on Facebook?

Facebook has options to post text, images, short videos, long videos, celebrations and much more. 

Find out how your ideal client is posting, what they are posting, what kind of content they are engaging in. 

How can you help them with these challenges?

As a life coach how can you help them to overcome these challenges? How can they take your help? Give them enough reasons to enroll for your services. 

Once you have identified your target audience or in other words your ideal client persona you can build a strategy for how to get coaching clients on Facebook.

Identify Facebook Groups to Join

As per the reports over 1.8 Billion people now use Facebook groups and have huge potential to grow any business.

There are a huge number of groups on Facebook, some are open to join, some require referral or invite while some have admin criteria to join.

Once you have identified the target audience and ideal personal of your client, as part of your how to get coaching clients of Facebook strategy. Now it is time to identify Facebook groups they may be members of.

You can use the Facebook search option for this, search for groups and be part of it.

Once you are a member of the Facebook group where your target audience is, understand objectives of the group and adhere to it.

Don’t directly start promoting your services or sell anything, first engage with content posted by other group members. Provide valuable insights, start conversation and later on maybe you can promote your business individually. 

Create your Facebook Business Page

You can create your Facebook Business Page to build your brand as a part of how to get coaching clients on Facebook strategy.

Facebook Business Pages are used by many known brands now, where they promote their products, services, post engaging products and gain followers.

If you want to keep your Coaching Business separate from your personal contact, or want professional contact away from personal circle, Facebook Page is a great option.

Most importantly you will need a Facebook Business Page if you want to run Facebook ads in the future.

You can even open an online shop in Facebook Page and use business tools provided by Facebook.

Facebook Page allows you to schedule your posts, create content calendar and analytics for Facebook ads to understand the data of your ads.

Connect Strategically and Engage more

You have already identified your ideal client to understand how to get coaching clients on Facebook, now it is time to connect with them.

Facebook does not have a feature like sharing a message in the invite, so you have to make sure your profile or business page is complete and showcase well about you.

I personally suggest gaining followers for your Facebook Business Page will be the best option. If you get followers organically that means without any ads you build your reputation in the eyes of Facebook algorithm.

However, gaining more followers depends upon how you engage with them.

Post content regularly and engage in the comment section, be humble and add value to the content.

If you come across negative comments on your content, address them amicably, don’t indulge in comment war.

Maintain posting frequency

If you want one answer for How to get coaching clients on Facebook? Maintaining posting frequency will be the answer.

Facebook algorithm wants to promote fresh and engaging content, that’s how it shows in the feed of your followers and connection.

You should have a posting calendar where you can plan which content to post and when, there are many posting scheduler tools out there.

Facebook allows you to post text, images, short videos and long videos, you should have a good content mix of all of them.

You should aim to post at least daily once on Facebook, however if you are good at content creation and can make it 3 times a day you are likely to get more followers and engagement on your Facebook Page.

Once you post the content, make sure you engage in the comment section, there may be a question, a feedback, a troll or an appreciation, you need to address them humbly and in an amicable manner.

Utilize Facebook Group to get coaching clients on Facebook

There are multiple Facebook groups out there, you can be part of them based on your ideal client profile.

Some of these groups are very active, you have to be also active and add value to the group audience.

Major benefit of a group is, you can reach a larger audience even though they are not your followers or connection on Facebook.

Best practice for how to get coaching clients on Facebook groups will be adding value and not promoting your services in groups.

You should post content in such a manner that group members visit your profile and engage with your content.

In this blog I tried to answer how to get coaching clients on Facebook? These strategies can be expanded on an individual level.

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