NLP SCORE Model was developed by Robert Dilts, to be used in NLP coaching and counseling practices.
NLP practitioners have been using the NLP SCORE model for coaching intervention for ages, today in this post, I will share my experience with SCORE Model and how can you also use it in your NLP Coaching practices.
NLP SCORE Model history
In 1987 Robert Dilts and Tod Epstein could fail to notice that they are able to help subjects better than any other NLP practitioners at that time.
They have noticed that there is some different pattern they are following which gave them excellent results in their coaching practices.
Their method was far better at mapping out the problem and designing interventions to get the solutions for the problem stated.
As they started observing their process for problem-solving, they observed they are viewing any problem situation from five components. Symptoms, Causes, Outcomes, Resources, and Effects.
Hence, NLP SCORE Model came into the existence by observing the problem-solving pattern of two NLP geniuses.
What is NLP SCORE Model?
Now, let us see the NLP SCORE Model in detail. What does SCORE mean?
S – Symptoms: These are the sign that tells you that there is a problem.
C – Causes: These are the prior condition or the reason, because of which symptoms have arisen in the first place. They give rise to current problems or act as a constraint.
O – Outcomes: The desired goal of the subject, where they want to go, and what they want to achieve.
R – Resources: Every individual has capabilities, qualities, and reserves that help them to achieve their outcomes, solve problems and restrict the causes of the problem.
E – Effects: Final result of the outcome, these are usually long-term, systematic, and at a higher level.
The NLP Dancing Score Technique
We have just learned the NLP SCORE model, now the question is how to do it practically.
The NLP Dancing SCORE was developed by Judith DeLozier, who has taken the NLP SCORE model to a much deep level.
Let us understand the NLP DANCING SCORE model step by step.
Step 1 – Think of the problem you want to solve with this technique.
Step 2 – Identify four spots on the floor, you should have enough space to stand and walk on these spots.
You can label these spots in these sequences, Cause > Symptoms> Outcome > Desired Effect you want related to this problem.
Step 3 – Associate yourself physically with each spot.
I.e You should feel the causes of the problem internally and externally while standing on the “Cause” Spot.
You should feel the effects of the problem solved while you are in the “Effect” Spot.
I personally use the NLP Anchoring technique for each spot for my clients, this way they have all the resources they require to make necessary changes.
Step 4 – Start from the cause state, and walk slowly in sequence from Cause to Symptom to Outcome to effect.
We need to get a sense of a single movement from Cause to Effect and repeat the process until it feels like a single movement to us.
Step 5 – Identify the spot for resources now, stand on the spot Anchor all the resources you have that can help you in solving this problem.
I try to find the resources that can help me to reduce the causes of the problem, and Anchor those resources to the spot.
Step 6 – Now you can start the movement from Causes> Resources > Symptoms > Outcome> desired effect.
Or you can start the movement from Causes>Symptoms> Resources> Outcome> desired effect.
You may need to try two or more sequences to find your “dance”. Remember repetition is the key here.
The NLP SCORE model follows the fundamental principle of NLP, which is helping individuals reach the desired state from their current state.
Further Reading