NLP Anchoring is the surefire way to connect your internal response with external factors. In this article, we will discuss what NLP Anchoring is. What are NLP Anchoring techniques? How can you use NLP Anchoring for confidence?
What is NLP Anchoring?
NLP Anchoring is, as discussed earlier, connecting external triggers to internal responses.
For example, Traffic lights are triggered to stop when we see the red light, to slow down when we see a yellow light and feel happy when we see the green light.
This is similar to Pavlov’s conditioning experiment with dogs. In this experiment, the first bell rings, and after that dog is given food. Eventually, the dog started salivating just on the ring of the bell.
So, in other words, NLP Anchoring is a stimulation response formula in which precise stimulation generates specific responses. Stimulation can be external or internal.
NLP Anchoring explained
When an individual is in a heightened emotional state, the peak of the experience, and in the high state, if any trigger is applied like a tap or touch, some neurotransmitter is generated with that tap or touch.
In simple words, that gets associated with touch or tap, which is the Anchor.
Try it out yourself.
When you find someone in the peak of the experience means if someone is laughing incessantly and you pinch them softly. Then, next time when pinching them on the same spot, they will recall that laughing experience again.
NLP Anchoring in all representation system
NLP anchoring can be set in any representation system. Some you may know or get ready for the surprises.
Visual – Stopping at Redlight at the traffic signal,
Auditory – Some music makes you happy, sad, nostalgic, etc. Do you recall you’re happy song?
Kinesthetic – You miss your grandma when you touch that sweater.
Olfactory – The aroma of food makes you miss home.
Gustatory – Smell of old books takes back to the school.
Anchor strengthens with repetition. Remember, you fear snakes even though you see them on TV.
NLP Anchoring is widely used in marketing and advertisements. Some ads make you nostalgic, happy, or envious of others. We even see the same actor in some other place and recall the commercial or another way round. We listen to the commercial and visually vital the actors in that advertisement.

NLP Anchoring Technique or process
In this section, I will explain how to set up NLP Anchoring. Please be noted the Anchor should be set with consent and should be set with mutually positive intent.
To make anchors most effective, we have to take care of the following 4 points.
i) The Anchor must be unique and specific for the person ( means should not be a regular thing like clapping)
ii) Be mindful of peak experience to Anchor; otherwise, Anchor will be too weak to explore.
ii) Repetition – from time to time, revisit the same Anchor to strengthen for better results in the future.

Recall the state you want.
This is the most crucial step, first identify which experience you want to strengthen.
For Example, If you want to set up an NLP Anchor for confidence, remember when you are most confident in your life.
You should ideally select the event which is fresh in your mind. New and more intense will be better.
In your mind, revisit that experience as it was. Try to see the things you saw, hear the voices you heard, and feel the feelings you had inside and outside your body.
Be in that moment, as if it is happening again just in front of your eyes, or you are just reliving the moment right now.
Intensify the feeling of the moment.
To make a strong NLP anchor, you need to intensify the experience in mind.
You can do it by increasing the moment’s brightness, filling more colors, making the voice you heard louder, and feeling even more inside and outside of your body.
Concentrate on the feeling where it is originating from; is it going forward or backward? Is it spinning or spreading?
Imagine it is spreading in your body, your whole body is engulfed with this emotion, and even you are emitting this feeling from your body.

Find your peak experience and set a trigger(Anchor)
When you find peak experience, just set a trigger (Anchor), maybe pinch on the back of the hand, touch in the center of the palm. You can do anything, but it has to be unique for you.
To identify peak experience, focus on breathing. It will be relatively faster or slower, physiology will change, or you will find more relaxation in this state.
It is vital to set an anchor in peak experience; otherwise, Anchor will be weak, and you will doubt NLP again.
Change or break the state.
The moment you set an anchor in a peak experience, which is unique and specific to you.
You will find the experience gradually starts to subside, and you are back to a natural state.
Break this state by taking a small walk, drinking water, or talking about something else with someone.
Breaking the state is vital to switch the emotional state and test the Anchor later on. Otherwise, Anchor may not work, and again, you will doubt NLP.
Repeat the process
Yes, repeating the process until point number 4 is part of the primary process.
Repetition will solidify the NLP Anchor. Do this process until you feel the same experience by tapping, pinching, or touching that anchor point.

Regular and frequent repetition is essential for the effectiveness of NLP Anchor.
What are the five keys to Anchoring in NLP?
There are five keys to keep in mind to create effective NLP Anchors and take the most out of the NLP anchoring technique.
Here are the five keys to Anchoring in NLP?
1. The intensity of the experience
The experience selected in the NLP anchoring process should be intense. In simple words more intense the experience, the stronger will be the Anchor. Therefore, your client will benefit more from stronger anchors.
2. The timing of the Anchor
This is crucial; many NLP practitioners fail in this. The timing of the Anchor should be the one while your client is at the peak of their experience.
Most of the time, people can reach the peak of the experience in 5 to 10 minutes. It would help if you were observant for cues while placing the Anchor.
3. Anchor should be unique
The Anchor should be placed at a place where it is unique to touch, like knuckles, under the rib, etc.,
The point is Anchor should be placed at the body part where it is usually not touched upon often like ears, chin, thumb, etc.,
4. Anchor should be fired the same way every time
The Anchor should be fired the same way every time. If it gentle tap on knuckles, it should be like that every time.
If it is tap on the knee three times, then it should be like that, tap on the knee three times.
5. Repetition of Anchor set
The Anchor should be set more to the same place to make the most out of the NLP anchoring technique.
The more time we set an anchor stronger, the result will be.
NLP Anchoring for confidence
Well, NLP Anchoring can plug any positive emotion, but specifically, let us take an example of confidence.
I have mentioned the process just above the section.
First, Identify the state or moment in which you were most confident. Please be careful that it must be a positive experience and have more intensity.
Follow the process mentioned above, and make sure to do more repetitions to amplify the effect of confidence.
You can use the NLP anchoring for confidence to feel confident anywhere you require.
If you need confidence when interacting with opposite-sex people or maybe you lack confidence when making a presentation to a group of people.
You may need more confidence to convince that critical business client to get more business.
NLP Anchor, if applied correctly, can do just that and in only a fraction of seconds.
Reading NLP techniques is fun and practicing them is even more fun, but we need NLP scripts while applying these NLP techniques.
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Where can you use NLP Anchoring?

You can use NLP Anchoring practically anywhere.
I had a friend who wanted to feel more confident in interviews to crack the joSo sheSo she took my help to set up Anchors on her wrist, and boom, in the second interview, she was able to get the job.
One of my mutual friends had difficulty sleeping peacefully at night, so he set up an anchor for relaxation on his forehead! So now, whenever he presses his head, he feels more relaxed and able to sleep peacefully.
So these examples are not quoted for my marketing; it is just to state that you can set emotion to amplify the positive feelings.
You can also set the Anchor to reduce the effect of negative emotions or may someday get totally rid of them.
Where you will be using the NLP Anchoring technique, please share in the comment.
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Further reading on NLP Anchoring