How to get coaching clients without social media? I get this question often from the people who feel overwhelmed with the work involved around getting coaching clients with social media.
In this blog how to get coaching clients without social media? I will try to cover other methods that work to get coaching clients.
New coaches and some old coaches have the same dilemma: how to get coaching clients without social media? As it is new, constantly changing and requires too much effort sometimes.
In this blog we will include.
- Can you get coaching clients without social media?
- What should already be there to get coaching clients without social media?
- Tried and tested marketing strategies to get coaching clients without social media.
You just got your coaching certification, and rushed to find a new client on social media.
You created a nice post on let’s say LinkedIn and published your content, now you are waiting for your first client.
You get barely few likes and common greetings in the comment section, for few people they may not even get likes in 2 digits.
You get frustrated and think how to get coaching clients without social media?

In another scenario you are already doing good on social media, do get regular clients but what is that social media gets banned in your country. For example, TikTok got banned in India and many other countries.
You don’t just lose your social media account, you lose your client base.
It is always better to know and practice how to get coaching clients without social media? In this VUCA world.
So guys grab your coffee and read.
Yes! The answer is Yes.
People have been doing business before social media and there were always means to market your business. Some may be not relevant in today’s time but some certainly work.
In this blog for how to get coaching clients without social media, we will see a mixture of new ways and old ways of getting clients.
However best practice will be utilizing all the resources available for marketing your coaching business.
I will assume you have already identified your niche, your ideal client, and services you want to offer to them.
If not please figure that out because that will be crucial for marketing your business. read the next part it may help you.
To market coaching business few things should already be there to get coaching clients without social media or ever with social media for that matter.
Like what is your niche, your ideal client, and services you want to offer.
Most importantly you need to identify where they can find you, how they can contact you, and how much investment they are required to make.
You will require
- A medium that showcase your expertise
- Your coaching packages and their benefits
- A medium to capture passive clients data.
- A tool through which they can connect with you.
Answer for all these requirements is having your own website and blog can help you to get coaching clients without social media or social media.
A website where clients can know about you, your credentials, testimonials, kind of services you can provide to them, has a contact form and much more.
You can use website and blogging to showcase your expertise, and connect with your probable clients.
A website will be your sales manager, who is working for your 24/7 and getting you clients without social media. More on this in next section.
In this part of how to get coaching clients without social media, I will discuss some of the tried and tested marketing strategies that work almost for every business.
Launching a Website with a blog
As a coach, having a Website with a blog is a must, you can do so many things if you are making it on WordPress.
You will never lose your client base if you have a website, as all control remains in your hands.
Let me give you an example.
You are quite active on Facebook, you post, comment and engage with Facebook Groups. You have got a good number of followers.
But one day Facebook decides to promote its ads module and gives less exposure to your organic content.
Now in order to reach more clients you need to pay for Facebook ads, believe me this has happened.
While if you have your own website, all you need to do is make engaging for your audience and post blogs regularly.
You can use blogging for generating leads, you can take help of SEO professionals to do that for you.
You can have your own landing pages where clients can sign up, pages that talk about your services and charges.
You can create a flow for your client, like once they are on your website how can they contact you, is there any freebie, any email newsletter and lead them to your services.
Networking events and workshops
Another answer to how to get coaching clients without social media? Is attending and participating in Networking events and workshops.
Face to face interaction can help you build rapport with your prospects, word of mouth is still the best marketing strategy out there.
There are many organizations and clubs that arrange such networking events like BNI, get membership and meet your potential clients.
You can find out about any Management associations, self-help clubs or maybe some community programs happening in your locality.
You should have a small one page website to show them or share a link with them over WhatsApp to promote your business.
Host Webinars and Virtual Workshops
You must have come across Facebook or Instagram ads about free webinar or low value virtual workshops.
It may seem overwhelming and already over utilized but Webinars and Virtual workshops do bring clients.

Imagine you have an audience who is listening to you say about an hour, you have high chances of converting them into your clients.
You can choose a topic that affects your ideal clients or they are looking for a solution to, promote these workshops over text message, circulate to your friends and family members to share further and so on.
Easy way to do this is to have a pre-recorded Webinar and courses that you can host on your website, later on your prospective client can enroll into it for free.
Public Speaking Engagements
If you are a good orator and have the opportunity to speak at public speaking events, it can be the best opportunity for you to gain a client base.
Public speaking builds great credibility and enhances your chances to come out as an expert later on you can convert a few of them into your clients.
You can offer to speak at local events, conferences, workshops or college events, after the program usually people will come to talk to you where you can convert them into clients.
Collaboration with other coaches
Yes you read that right, you can collaborate with other coaches and trainers in your niche or other related niche.
You can arrange combined workshops, webinars or swap lists with each other.
Ideally you should collaborate with the coaches who are not your competitors but caters to a similar audience.
However, having collaboration with a competition coach will give more options to your and their audience to choose.
You can do guest podcasting, or write a blog on their website, likewise you can invite them to your podcast or write a blog on your website.
You plan to arrange monthly workshops collaborating with other coaches online or offline.
Publish Email Newsletter
If you have a website you can capture your visitors mail id through a lead magnet, more lead magnet later in a separate post.
You can then use these emails to share Newsletters on a regular interval, you can include the latest things that affect your ideal clients and how you can help them, you can share some free tips and advice.

However, You may feel that sending mail every week is too much work, you can now schedule emails for the same. There are many tools available.
I believe you must have got some answer to the question: how to get a coaching client without social media? If you like this blog, share with fellow coaches.
Read other posts in our NLP Coaching Series