NLP frames
NLP frames are your verbal weapon for coaching. You can make your client take a step back and think with the help of NLP frames.
What are NLP frames?
While we communicate we always use frames in our sentences, specifically when we are asking questions. Question includes assumptions about an event. There are different frames which state an assumption of part of others.
For Example.
While a car salesman says this “why would you want to compromise on safety by buying XYZ?
How many NLP frames are there?
There are seven types of NLP frames, which are important.
- NLP Ecology frame
- NLP frames contrast
- NLP frames evidence
- NLP discovery frame
- Backtrack frame NLP
- As if frame NLP
- Outcome frame NLP
Let me share some more details on each of these NLP frames.

1. NLP ecology frame
The NLP ecology frame is pursuing the outcome by assessing or keeping in mind all other aspects like environment, family, and community.
This frame checks how achieving the outcome will impact others like the environment, community, body system.
For Example. Many people set the outcome/goal of waking up at 5.00 AM or early in the morning, Without assessing its impact on the body due to lack of sleep.
The important question here is the outcome you are expecting, is it congruent to other outcomes?
For Example, I want to get fit, but do not want to work out or diet.
To check that, You can imagine the future when you have achieved the outcome you wanted and now look back on the events and experience.
For more clarity, you can try second positions with assuming other people, from the perceptual position exercise.

2.NLP contrast frame
Have you heard this phrase? “The difference that makes the difference”? The NLP contrast frame is all about it.
This NLP frame evaluates the difference.
One can say the NLP contrast frame is most common and visible in almost all NLP patterns.
Richard Bandler and John Grinder started noticing the difference in the communication of other excellent communicators like Virginia Satir.
They were doing something different in their communication that drove different results.

NLP uses a contrast frame, by taking unresourceful event contrasting with similar events but resourceful.
The difference between a resourceful event and the unresourceful event is the matter we need to address.
We, humans, are naturally able to find the difference.

3. NLP evidence frame
NLP evidence frame helps you to gauge whether you have achieved your outcome or not.
How will you know when you have achieved the outcome you aimed for?
What will you see, feel, and hear when you achieve your outcome?
NLP evidence frame will help you to gauge whether you are on right track to achieve your outcome or you need to change the course.
4. Outcome frame
With an NLP outcome frame, you evaluate your all actions with reference to the outcome you want to achieve.
This frame checks or evaluates all action whether it brings you close to our outcome target.

Please note that you must use the ecology frame first before using the outcome frame otherwise results will be different.
You can change your way of thinking with the outcome frame, I use it for my personal time management. I check whether the activity I am currently doing is taking me near to my goals or not.
You just need to ask a few questions to yourself in the NLP outcome frame.
What am I going to achieve?
What do I want?
Will I get something at the end which is valuable to me?
Am I doing the right thing to achieve my goals?
5. NLP As If frame
NLP as if the frame is about pretending something is true like you imagine as if you have achieved your outcome.
When you pretend or assume something it opens the door for many possibilities and opportunities.
This frame can be used in many ways specifically for creative problem solving. We can pretend something has happened and think over the next course of action.

You can use perceptual position exercise for as if frame, especially second position in the process.
This frame can access your imagination and intuition, you know even if its not real you are finding the solutions.
Questions to check for NLP as if frame.
Imagine, if that would happen…..?
What will feel like if ….?
Let’s suppose that….
6. NLP backtrack frame
NLP backtrack frame can help to build instant rapport with anyone.
Everyone uses one word over another, some words have specific meaning for oneself. These keywords are used to restart the conversation.
If you are able to identify such keywords, you will be able to restart the conversation and reframe it according to your requirement.
While using the same keyword if you use the same tone, volume, and similar body language you can do the verbal pacing on another person.
Remember the specific words people choose always reflect their thoughts, it is best to use the same to your advantage.
You can ask the following questions in the NLP backtrack frame.
Can we summarize that…?
So according to you…..?
7. NLP discovery frame
This NLP frame is about keeping yourself free from expectations and results while pursuing our outcomes.
The self-doubt and overthinking most of the time clout our thinking and stops us from taking any action in order to achieve our outcomes.

Imagine if you knew that you would not fail, what action would you take right now?
With an NLP discovery frame, we just take action and do it without much thinking about the outcome.
There are 2 more NLP frames we must know.
8. The systemic frame
The systemic frame allows you to focus on the group of events instead of only one single event.
This NLP frame evaluates the events based on their relationship with other events.
So when you apply this frame you are looking for events and how they affect each other and how they are connected?
This is more helpful to identify the events which are not working or are obstacles. You can then focus on overcoming these obstacles rather than directly focusing on problems.
Few questions to ask as part of The systemic frame.
How does it affect other events?
How is it related to other events that i do not know?
How does it settle with what I know?
What is stopping the change?
How is it related to widger systems?
Reading NLP techniques is fun and practicing them is even more fun, but we need NLP scripts while applying these NLP techniques.
I have created a small book of NLP scripts of the 7 most used NLP techniques. You can use them in your practice for only $10. You can buy the book from here. Buy NLP scripts
9. The Negotiation frame
The NLP negotiation frame evaluates the events based on agreement.
This NLP frame assumes that everyone is most of the time at some negotiations and wants to reach some accord.
This NLP frame suggests to chunk up to find the areas where everyone can agree upon. This should also help you to achieve your outcome.
This is the list of NLP frames I have used. There are still a few more left, if you are interested to know please let me know in the comment section.
Image credit – Photo by pine watt on Unsplash
References –
The “Discovery Frame”