NLP Collapsing Anchors – 1 more technique to change behavior

NLP collapsing anchors help you in changing the dysfunctional responses of your client. As the name suggests, NLP collapsing anchors work with two anchors. In which one is for a negative stage or event, and another is for a positive event.

What is an NLP collapsing anchor?

NLP collapsing anchor is a technique that gives clients new neurological choices. 

There will be a time when clients keep going to the state that they don’t want to and find themselves stuck; this small state, in the end, creates obstacles for the other NLP techniques.

NLP collapsing anchors can diminish the impact of the negative state and increase the impact of the positive state. 

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How do you collapse an anchor in NLP?

Here is the process for NLP collapsing anchors.

Step 1 – Select the problem with the negative state that makes you stuck, and establish the first anchor.

Step 2 – Break state.

Step 3 – Find and elicit a positive state.

Step 3 – Find and elicit a positive state.

Step 4 – Elaborate on the resourceful state and anchor it.

Step 5 – Break state.

Step 6 – Trigger the states.

Step 7 – Release the anchors.

Step 8 – Check whether NLP collapsing anchors have worked or not.

Step 9 – Reinforce the positive anchor.

Now let’s see the process in detail.

Step 1 – Select the problem with the negative state that makes you stuck, and establish the first anchor.

Choose an event or the state where you find yourself stuck or need more choices.

For Example, Getting angry with the same set of people or events, you may want to have the choice to express your displeasure apart from anger.

Remember to choose an event that makes you stuck in an unresourceful state.

Follow the process of the NLP anchoring technique and establish the first anchor.

Step 2 – Break state.

After establishing your first anchor, break the state. Then, you can take a short walk, sip water or stretch a little bit.

Step 3 – Find and elicit a positive state.

Ask your client to think of something positive they want to have instead of the negative state, and it can also be a new set of behavior.

For Example. Instead of getting angry about petty things, I would like to focus on what went well? So I need to find the positive past events related to what went well.

Ideally, you should choose the near best option for the negative state, and the best will be finding a resourceful state that can be useful.

Step 4 – Elaborate on the resourceful state and anchor it.

Once you have found the positive state, take the submodality checklist and elaborate it to the smallest details.

The moment your client finds the optimum level of experience setting up and the second anchor. 

You should set this anchor exactly opposite to the first one. For example, if your negative anchor is on the knuckle of the left hand, put the positive anchor on the knuckle of the right hand.

Step 5 – Break state.

After establishing your second anchor, break the state; you can take a short walk, sip water or stretch a little bit.

NLP collapsing anchors

Step 6 – Trigger the states.

Now ask your client to remember the negative or unresourceful state, fire the first anchor, and observe the client’s physiology and facial expression.

The moment the client starts exploring the unresourceful negative state, fire a second positive anchor and hold on to it.

Observing the subtle change in physiology and facial expression of the client, here NLP calibration skills will be crucial for you as a practitioner.

Remember, this process has to happen quickly, and you have to hold on to both anchors.

Step 7 – Release the anchors.

By observing subtle changes in the client, you will know the right time to release the anchors.

Be careful to release the negative anchor first and hold on to the positive anchor for a moment before releasing it.

Step 8 – Check whether NLP collapsing anchors have worked or not.

After completing the process till step number 7, break the state.


To check whether processes have worked or not, fire the first anchor of an unresourceful negative anchor and ask the client how they feel about it now?

If a client feels more positive and resourceful about the event, change has happened. If nor repeat the process.

Step 9 – Reinforce the positive anchor.

Ask clients to think about a positive, resourceful state and explore the NLP representational system in detail to strengthen the second anchor.

Again, you can use the submodality checklist to make the positive anchor strong enough to overcome the negative unresourceful state.

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When to use NLP collapsing anchors pattern?

NLP collapsing anchors work best when you want to eliminate unresourceful states and thoughts that usually arise at just the wrong time. As we saw in the process, the positive anchor will take over the negative unresourceful state by this process.


You must know NLP anchoring techniques, NLP calibration, and building rapport before performing NLP collapsing anchors.


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