NLP parts integration

NLP parts integration is a much involved and powerful NLP technique that can help you work with incongruence. 

What is part/parts in NLP?

We develop parts of the unconscious mind during early childhood with pleasant or unpleasant experiences, making the whole system in mind.

These parts have their own values and beliefs.

These are our small units that may conflict or complement each other.

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Let’s Take an Example.

A Musical band in a whole system of different artists. To get success, all members should play in sync.

Let’s take another example. 


Some part of me loves to eat burgers and fries with cola. At the same time, the other part of me hates eating junk food. 

NLP parts integration

NLP part integration process/Visual Squash

I recommend doing this process while sitting in a comfortable position. 

Step 1.

Select the unwanted behavior which you will like to change.

Step 2. 

Now identify two opposing parts for this behavior. One supporting and the other opposing.

One part can be bad, and the other can be good for this behavior. Ideally, they should be conflicting on the behavior selected in step 1.

Step 3. 

Create a metaphoric image for each part.

These images can be the representation of the parts for you. 


You have created these images on both hands, I mean one on the right hand and the other on the left.

Step 4.

Now focus on one of the parts first on the one hand.

Try to find out what is the positive intention of this part behind whatever it is doing.

Repeat the question again and again until you find positive emotions like joy, freedom, etc.

Step 5

Now focus on the other hand with other opposite parts.

Try to find out what is the positive intention of this part behind whatever it is doing.

Step 6

Identify the common interest of both parts in the behavior. 

There must be a point where both parts will agree. 

Identify the resources that both parts have and share to achieve the common interest or higher intention. 

Step 7

Imagine these parts are now sharing the resources which can help them to achieve the common interest.

Now move your hands towards each other and see the metaphorical images merging; you have to keep moving your hands closer.   

Step 8 

As the hands are finally together, create the third image, which is a hybrid of both metaphorical images selected by you.

Step 9

Bring this new image close to your body, ideally to heart. Move your hands towards your heart.

Breathe in deeply and absorb the new changes.

Step 10

Break the state, take a short walk, or drink water.

Now imagine the old issue related to these parts. Notice how you feel about it now?

Step 11

Future pace the events.

See yourself coming across similar events in the future. Notice how you are going about it now? With the new integrated parts.

If you do not find the solution or somewhere you feel that this process has not worked. Chances are there must be some other parts also playing a role in the behavior chosen by you.

Reading NLP techniques is fun and practicing them is even more fun, but we need NLP scripts while applying these NLP techniques.

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Where can you use the NLP parts integration technique?


You can use Visual Squash in any event where there is internal conflict occurs.

For Example, People having difficulties with following diet plans or health routines.

This can also be useful for making better decisions by utilizing resources of both good and bad parts.

This process works largely on the unconscious level to make small, subtle changes in people.

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Suggested further reading

Integration of Conflicting Parts